July 17, 2024

Sting ray attack...Batter eye problems at T-Mobile...Jazz Chisholm bad fit for Seattle

July 17, 2024

Jason "Puck" Puckett, former KJR host and Ryan Divish, Seattle Times,  start off today's show with Divish recapping how he got stung by a sting ray in Newport Beach.  They also talk about the Mariners' struggles at T-Mobile Park and the potential reasons behind it. They touch on the rumors of the Mariners acquiring Jazz Chisholm and discuss the team's second-half expectations. The conversation concludes with a discussion about potential trade targets for the Mariners and the need to improve the team's offense.


00:00 Divish got stung by a sting ray in California and details the pain and humiliation.

09:02 Struggles at T-Mobile Park...Do hitters really have a problem there and what's the cause? Is the batters eye the main culprit?

16:31 Rumors of Acquiring Jazz Chisholm and why it's a bad fit for Seattle

19:45 Improving the Offense...Do they have enough to do it in the second half and will Houston and Texas catch them?

20:43 Second-Half Expectations for the Mariners

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