June 21, 2024

June 21, 2024

Jason "Puck" Puckett, former KJR host  and Ryan Divish, Seattle Times,  discuss various topics including travel, chafing, and the Mariners' recent series against the Cleveland Guardians. They also touch on the idea of the Mariners having their own plane and the challenges they face in matchups against certain teams. The conversation is light-hearted and covers a range of humorous and baseball-related topics. The conversation covers various topics related to the Seattle Mariners and their recent games. They discuss the frustration with umpires and bad calls, the performance of players like JP Crawford and Luis Castillo, the potential for trades at the deadline, and the importance of Cal Raleigh to the team. They also touch on the Mariners' analytics-driven decision-making and the possibility of contract extensions for players.


00:00 Divish rocking a tanktop sitting in a gym in Miami!

01:05 Ryan Divish's Workout in Miami

03:13 Chaffing and baseball

08:48 Improving Travel for the Mariners....Divish describes the "working man's first class"

15:41 What did we learn from the Guardians series

17:28 How much did the umpire in Cleveland bother the team

18:24 JP Crawford's Tough Luck and Determination

19:46 Guardians lack a true ace

26:14 Trading Within the Division

27:24 The Analytics-Driven Decision-Making of the Mariners

31:07 The Importance of Cal Raleigh to the Team

Weekly Guests