May 29, 2024

M's TV deal. Fans being ignored. Team deserves moves at deadline.

May 29, 2024

Jason "Puck" Puckett, former KJR host and Ryan Divish of the Seattle Times get into a wide range of topics on today's show,  including sports, local businesses, food, and the future of sports broadcasting. It also delves into the challenges faced by MLB and the Mariners in adapting to new broadcasting technologies and platforms. The discussion provides insights into the evolving landscape of sports media and the impact on fan engagement and revenue generation. The conversation covers a range of topics including media labor, streaming, team coverage, player access, team performance, and trade deadlines. It delves into the impact of labor practices on media, the potential for expanded streaming options, the importance of player access and team coverage, the Mariners' performance, and the significance of trade deadlines for team success.


00:00 Divish has an epic Sonics t-shirt on and they chat about the M's current TV deal and future of where they will be

03:23 Fans need to be the priority when it comes to giving access

11:39 Challenges facing the M's and their style of play

22:25 Streaming Options and Fan Engagement and what can be done to help the fans

34:18 Trade Deadlines and Team Success

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